Roy’s Roads

The road-network from William Roy’s Military Survey of Scotland. 1747

David Dundas, 1735- 1820

David Dundas  was a nephew to both L.Col. David Watson and of Robert Dundas of Arniston ( two of Watson’s sisters had married into the Dundas dynasty). As a youngster he was enrolled in the Woolwich Military Academy. In 1752, when he was 17years old, Watson arranged for his secondment to the surveying project. He was made assistant quartermaster and took charge of the eastern part of the Lowlands Survey which was completed by 1755. When the map was completed, he was commissioned to the 56th Foot and there followed a long and very distinguished army career culminating in his appointment as Quartermaster-General in 1797 and Commander-in-Chief of the entire British forces in 1809.  This latter was a temporary appointment  covering the Duke of York’s period of disgrace ( The Grand Old Duke of York).  Dundas was a great advocate of officer training and  wrote the first manuals on the subject.   In his late years he was Governor of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, where he died.   He was lifelong friend to William Roy as well as a valued military colleague.

Last updated Nov.2020