Roy’s Roads

The road-network from William Roy’s Military Survey of Scotland. 1747

L.Col.David Watson 

David Watson was the son of Robert Watson of Muirhouse in Edinburgh. His father and grandfather were wealthy merchants and solicitors in the city. Muirhouse was an estate north of Edinburgh Muirhouse Parkway), the house towers of which were finally demolished in the 1950s. Watson was a protegé of Robert Dundas of Arniston; two of his sisters married into the Dundas family.   Arniston facilitated his secondment and progress in the Board of Ordnance,   During the ’45 rebellion Watson became  depute quartermaster-general in the Board and played an important role in Cumberland’s army at Culloden.  In the aftermath, he assumed control of the new project, mapping all of Scotland. Watson and Arniston were responsible for appointing William Roy to the project.  Watson had an office in Edinburgh Castle which would have been Board property at the time. It seems likely that this area of the castle became the headquarters and drawing office of the Military Survey.

Last updated Nov.2020